Family history details for Shiels, Gerry, Jones & Phillips families.
There are also three files that provide the details on WW2 including the training and deployment, the Italy Campaign and the Northwest Europe Campaign.
George E. Shiels - World War 2
The following provides details of the military service for George E. Shiels during WW2.
The first section is the summary document that I prepared from all of the documents below. It is labelled George E. Shiels Overview.
The second section is the actual file that I received from the Government Archives detailing George’s service records.
Next comes 3 separate files that provides the official history of the Canadian Army during WW2.
George E. Shiels Overview
Government Service Records
Official History of the Canadian Army in WW2 - Vol 1 Six Years of War
Official History of the Canadian Army in WW2 - Vol 2 - Italy
Official History of the Canadian Army in WW2 - Vol 3 Northwest Europe